
Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Tag

1. Which is your favorite valentines day treat? Sweethearts or chocolate covered strawberries?
Hello....chocolate covered strawberries. They are like the best thing ever.

2. What was your favorite valentines day memory?
I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day even though I have a bf, but I do spend it with family. I think one time I went out on a date with Travis and that was fun.

3. Twilight or Harry Potter valentines?
Harry Potter because he's way cooler than any vampire!

4. What celeb would you not mind having as your valentine?
How about either Taylor or Zac Hanson. Even though both are married I can still dream!

5. Do you have a special someone to celebrate vday with?

Yes, but he lives 2 hours away and we don't really celebrate vday.

6. Which restaurant would you prefer for a valentines date? Cheese Cake Factory or Ruby's?

I have been wanting to go to the Cheese Cake Factory for a very long time.

7. Red or Pink lips on valentines day?

Pink. I don't think red lips would look good on me.

8. Dress or cute top to wear on a vday date?

Cute top. I like to dress casual.

9. Perfect date - dinner and movie or dinner and walk on the beach?

Dinner and a walk on the beach, even though I don't live near a beach.

10. Hair up or hair down for vday date?

Hair down. I feel more comfortable with my hair down, plus I have a grey hairs on the side of my head so it keeps them covered. :)

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